Fall Semester, 2015-2016 Academic Year
Student intake to our university as internal transfer for the Bachelor and associate degree programs in Fall Semester, 2015-2016 Academic Year shall be made.
The assessment will be done by considering the quota and the departments that can be transferred that are stated below. Please apply online by checking the chart showing the departments that can be transferred.
Candidates who are not able to apply during the stated time cannot claim any rights.
Transfer Applications are received through our online system. Applications by post are not taken into account. The information entered in the online application system will be considered as a declaration of the candidate.
Transfer Applications will be evaluated by the relevant Faculty Committees.
Application results will be announced at university website, www. hku.edu.tr
Our university students must continue their application by selecting the Internal option.
By examining the chart below showing the quota and departments, you can check which departments accept the students from other departments with internal transfer.
The students cannot transfer during the first and two semesters of their program.
In order to be able to transfer between the Bachelor programs, the students’ score in central placement exam shouldn’t be lower than the lowest score of the universities in country.
Internal transfer can be done only between the departments stated below.
The student's overall grade point in the registered program must be at least 2.50.
On the condition that the students meet the required success rate, having courses that are not passes before is not an obstacle for transfer.
The students shouldn’t receive any disciplinary punishment to be able to transfer.
Freeze Registration is not an obstacle for transfer.
2 copies of Transcript (Must Be Approved)
The result of the exam
The detailed results of the examination certificate for the year of entry